
Returns a list of identities with leaked passwords given a list of accounts. This endpoint only matches exact accounts and doesn’t allow wildcard or domain searches. This is API is useful when doing batch processing.

The list of account is provided through a JSON payload. An object with an accounts key must contains the list of account names. The accounts list must contain up to 100 values.

The response is an object with requested account as keys and an identity object as values. The identity object contains a list of passwords that might be empty if not passwords were found for this account.


Passwords are listed in the order that they were inserted into the database. Up to 100 passwords are included in each identity object. A links attribute is included in each object and may contain a next attribute with an URL that can be followed with a valid Authorization token to get additional results for this specific identity.

Body Parameters


The list of accounts to look up.

Response Format

The response is an object where the keys is the name of the account, and the value is the first 100 credentials that match.